Untuk Mengetahui Kelembaban dan Temperature Ruangan
Display temperature , humidity and time simultaneously
Temperature : -50 to 70 DegC
Resolution :
Temperature : 0.1ºC (0.1ºF) ; Humidity : 1% rH
Accuracy :
Temperature : ±1ºC (1.8ºF) ; Humidity : 5% RH (40% to 80%RH)
Humidity : 5% RH (40% to 80%RH)
Power 1,5Volt AAA x 1 battery
Size 100W x 108H x 20mmDepth
Penakar Hujan (Plastik)
Penakar Hujan (Plastik)
Terbuat dari Plastic transparan tebal.
Tidak berkarat.
Menangkap hujan dari atas, masuk ke dalam tabung ukur dan bisa dibaca tiap saat.
Satuan dalam metric.
Bila kelebihan air pada tabung ukur, masih dapat ditangkap ditabung luar.
Dilengkapi mounting bracket dan 1 tahun kertas record.
Ukuran mouth area dia.: 100mm
Outer Cylinder: 4' dia x 14' high (103 x 356mm)
Inner Metric Tube cap: 25.4mm, graduated 0.2mm
Capacity: 280 mm hujan
Rain Gauge
Penakar Hujan (Besi Galvaniz)
Penakar Hujan (Stainless Steel)
Dilengkapi dengan tabung ukur gelas.
Bucket type 100 cm²
Ukuran: 20 x 20 x 70 cm
Panci Penguapan
Panci Penguapan
Evaporation Pan
tidak termasuk
Hook Gauge
Still Well
Floating Digital Thermometer
Double Ring - Infiltration, Perembesan Air ke dalam tanah
Double Ring - Infiltration, Perembesan Air ke dalam tanah
Untuk mengetahui kecepatan rembesan air pada permukaan tanah.
Terbuat dari bahan stainless steel dilengkapi dengan:
Alat ukur jarak mistar panjang 30 cm
Tempat air/Ember
Box kayu tempat double ring
Stopwatch (optional)
Permeameter - Infiltration
Permeameter - Infiltration
Mengukur infiltration pada tanah dengan kedalaman tertentu.
Alat terdiri dari:
Infiltration tube dengan valve
Khaki tiga/tripod
Clamp ring
Bor Belgy (optional)
Stopwatch (optional)
Alat ukur Kekerasan tanah Penetrometer
Alat ukur Kekerasan tanah Penetrometer
Untuk mengetahui kekerasan tanah.
Pocket Type.
Range sampai 4.5 kg/cm²
Alat Ukur Kekuatan Geser Tanah
Alat Ukur Kekuatan Geser Tanah
Untuk engetahui kekuatan geser tanah.
Range: sampai 10kg/cm2
Divisions on dial are as small as 0.05 kg/cm²
Visual interpretation to nearest 0.01 kg/cm²
Three vanes
Bor Tanah - Soil Auger
Bor Tanah - Soil Auger
Untuk kedalaman pengeboran maksimum 1m
Handle: Ø 2cm x 40 cm
Drilling Rod: Ø 2cm
Tipe 1
Head Auger: Ø ±6cm x 20 cmL atau
Tipe 2
Head Auger: Ø ±8.5cm x 20cmL
Bor Tanah - kedalaman 10 meter
Bor Tanah - kedalaman 10 meter
Drilling Rod, Solid bar, 1mtr length, 1 1/4" dia 10 Pcs
Auger Head, Welded steel, two radial blades, 4" dia 1 Pc
Straight Chopping Auger Steel bar,hardened tip, 45 mm width 1 Pc
T-Piece Welded steel 1 Pc
Tube Adaptor, Machined steel, with 3 clamping bolts 1Pc
Turning Rod, Machined steel, 1 1/4" dia, 60 cm length 2Pcs
Sampling Tube, 68 mm dia, 40 cm length with 3 bolt holes 10 Pcs
Rod Head, Hardened, machined steel, 2 1/2" dia 1 Pc
Allen Key, Hardened Steel, 1/4" 1 Pc
Pipe Wrench, 24" length 2 Pcs
Hammer5 kg weight, 1 Pc
Steel Wire Brush, Wooden Handle 1 Pc
Soil Sampler Tube
Soil Sampler Tube
Tempat Sample Tanah
Bahan terbuat dari Stainless Steel
Ukuran ID 7.3cm x 4cm h
Cover tube terbuat dari plastik
1 Box terdiri dari 20 pcs
Ukuran Box ± 20 cm x 14cm x 42 cm
Alat Uji NPK Tanah - NPK Tester Kit - USA
Alat Uji NPK Tanah - NPK Tester Kit - USA
Determine the high/medium/low concentrations of NPK in soil
Nitrogen (N)
Phospohorus (P)
Potassium (K)
Tes Tab Tablet Reagent up to 50 test for:
Nitrogen (N) : 50 Tests
Phosphorus (P): 50 Tests
Potassium (K): 50 Tests
1 Extraction Tube
3 Capped Test Tube
1 eyedropper
1 laminated comparation color chart.
MSDS Sheets
Alat test kadar garam Tanah
Alat test kadar garam Tanah
Untuk mengukur kadar garam tanah
Range: 0-10 millimhos; 0-6400 ppm
Millimhos for soil solutions and PPM for hydroponics or water.
You can reduced use of excess fertilizers and profit improvement from better crops and larger yields
Mesin Pengayak Tanah - Lab
Pengayak Tanah/Pasir laboratorium
Untuk mengetahui ukuran butiran tanah.
Mesin digerakkan dengan Electric motor.
Terbuat dari besi.
Stainless Sieve (saringan) ukuran 8'' body kuningan
Ukuran saringan bisa dipilih mulai mesh # 4 sampai # 200
Jumlah saringan sebanyak 5 unit termasuk pan dan cover.
Ayakan Manual Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel Sieve
Sieve Saringan satu set terdiri dari 6 unit
Ukuran mesh : 5 (4,000 micron), 10 (2,000 micron), 35 (500 micron), 60 (250 micron), 120 (125 micron), and 230 (63 micron).
Termasuk Pan dan Cover.
Ukuran Diameter: ± 8"
Alat Pembagi Sample Tanah
Alat Pembagi Sample Tanah
Soil devider: Alat pembagi sample tanah menjadi dua bagian yang sama
Bor Sample Tanah
Bor Sample Tanah (Sampling Kit)
Auger Head dia 8cm x 30 cm
Handle Tee solid 3/4" x 30 cm : 1 unit
Drilling Rod Solid dia 3/4" x 1m : 2 unit
Adjustable Spanner : 2 unit
Head Coring : 1 unit
Sample Coring didalam Head Coring : 1 unit
Cap coring : 1 unit
Hammer Coring : 1 unit
Tas .
Bor Gambut Parang
Material Stainless Steel
Handle Φ 2,8 cm x 40 cm
Drilling Rod Solid Φ 2,8 cm x 1m : 6 unit
Drilling Head Mata Parang : 65 cm
Hammer Pengambil Sample tanah
Material Pemukul Carbon Steel
Alat ini dipukulkan ketanah, setelah tanah masuk ke ring maka sampelnya diambil
Tempat Sample Tanah : Stainless Steel
Panjang keseluruhan : 120 cm
Slide Hammer : 40 cm
Termasuk 1 unit Sampler Tube
(stainless Steel)
Bor Gambut Casing
Bor Tanah Gambut
Untuk kedalaman pengeboran maksimum 3m
Handle Bor: Ø 2cm x 40 cm
Drilling Rod 2 unit Ø 2cm x 1m
Drilling Head panjang 1m
Dilengkapi dengan tas
Soil pH Tester
Soil pH Tester
Untuk mengukur pH tanah.
Range: 3.5 samapai 8 pH
Soil pH dan Moisture Meter USA
pH Accuracy: ±0.2. Moisture accuracy: ±10%.
Made in USA
Soil pH, Moisture, Lux & Temp (Digital pH Tanah)
Soil pH, Moisture, Lux & Temp (Digital pH Tanah)
pH range: 3,5 pH to 9.0 pH / accuracy ± 0.5
Temperature: - 9 ºC to 50ºC / accuracy ±1ºC
Light: 9 Levels
Moisture range: 5 level
Soil CO2 Measurement
Alat ukur CO2 di tanah
Range CO2 : 0 to 4000 ppm
Operation Temp Range : 0 to 50 Deg C
Operation humidity range : 0 to 95%
Operation pressure range : 500 to 1100 hPa
Ukuran Chamber : Dia200/dia260 x 350mm H
Digital Soil Moisture Meter High Accuracy
Soil Moisture Sensor
Range: 0 up to 100%
Accuracy: ±3.0% vol over 0 to 70% vol and 0 to 60°C
Accuracy : > 3% above 70% vol.
Power : 5 to 14 VDC, 18mA for 1s.
Operating Temp Range: -20°C to 60°C.
Size: 5.63”L x 1.57” dia.: Probe 2”L.
Weight: 0.22 lbs.
Soil Moisture Meter -
Accuracy 0.5% of full scale over 5°C to 40°C.
Resolution 0.1% of voltage reading.
Battery 2 AAA batteries (included).
Battery Life 10,000 readings.
Complies with CE, FCC, and ROHS.
Soil pH, Temp and EC Meter
Moisture range: 0 to 100% : ±0.2%
Conductivity range: 0 to 5 dS/m : ±0.3%
Temperature range: -15°C to 50°: ±0,5°C
Operating Temperature: -15°C to 50°C
Size: 155 x Ø63mm
Rod lenght: 130mm
Rod diameter: 6mm
Soil Colour Book
Soil Colour Book (Buku Warna Tanah)
Munsel colour 5R = 33 pcs
Munsel colour 7,5R = 32 pcs
Munsel colour 10R = 29 pcs
Munsel colour 2,5YR = 31 pcs
Munsel colour 5YR = 27 pcs
Munsel colour 7,5YR = 29 pcs
Munsel colour 10YR = 30 pcs
Munsel colour 2.55Y = 25 pcs
Munsel colour 5Y = 25 pcs
Munsel colour 10Y-5GY = 12 pcs
Gley 1 = 36 Pcs
Gley 2 = 36 Pcs
White Page = 24 Pcs
Digital Soil Ph Meter
Digital Soil Ph Meter
Sensor Probe : Stainless Stell
Range :
pH : 0 to 14
Temp : 0 ºC to 100 ºC
Soil ContainTester, Soil Testing
Soil ContainTester, Soil Testing
Soil ContainTester, Soil Testing
Soil Tests Performed:
Phosphorus,Potassium,Soil Reaction (pH),Calcium,Magnesium
Chlorides,Nitrates,Ammonia,Active Aluminum
Sulfates,Nitrite Nitrogen,Manganese
Plant Tissue Tests
Ferric Iron
Humus (organic Matter)
Permanent color standards, guaranteed never to fade, results always accurate.
All reagents stable for minimum one year.
Tester ready for immediate use.
Soil Moisture Meter
Soil Moisture Meter
Moisture Range: 0 to 50%
Temperature: -10 to 60ºC Resolution: 0.1
Accuracy: Moisture: ± 0.5%n + 1,Temp: ± 0.8ºC
Calibration: Automatic
Power Supply: 4X1,5aa Battery
Dimension: 170 x 44 x 25mm
Soil Moisture,Fibre Materials,Buildings,Cotton Paper,Tobacco
Chinese tradition Materials,Wood Fiber Materials
Bor Stainless Steel
Material :
stainless steel
Handle :
Φ 2,8 cm x 40 cm
Drilling Rod :
Φ 2,8 cm x 1 meter
Drilling Head :
Φ 9 cm x 38 cm
Soil Sampler Kit
Spesifikasi.Soil Sampler Kit
Untuk Kedalaman 3 Meter
Material Stainless steel
Handle Bor: Ø 2,8 cm x 40 cm
Drilling Rod 2 unit Ø 2cm x 1m : 3 unit
Drilling Head Ø 9 cm x 38m : 3 unit
Hammer Pengambil Sample : 1 Set
Kunci : 1 Set. Brush 1 Unit. Tas 1 Unit
Moisture Meter Tanah
Moisture Meter Tanah Digital
Display : 0-100 arbitary scale
Range : 0.1 to 15 bars tension
Power : 9 V Baterry
Reading can be converted into moisture and tension gypsum Block electrode
Digital Infiltrometer
Diigital Infiltrometer
Untuk mengetahui Rembesan air pada permukaan tanah
Ukuran 33'' x 17'' x 7 ''
Alat Termasuk :
Double ring silinder
Cutter Blade
Defth limiting ring
cutdown timer with alarm
Soil Contain Tester
Soil Contain Tester
(Untuk Tes N, P, K, pH, Salinity)
Can test Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in soil, pH in soil, Salt in soil
Stable: A value 0.003/3min
Repeat: A value =< 0.005
Precision: =< 3.0%
Sensitivity: red light => 4.5x10-5 blue light=> 3.17x10-3
Length of wave: red light 620 ± 8nm blue light 440±8nm
Power: 180-240V 50 Hz
K, Na Flame Photometer
It is widely use in medical, soil, fertilizer, cement,
fire-resistant material, glass, pottery profession.
Linear Range : 0.02 - 0.07mmol/L (K)
1.10 - 1.60mmol/L (Na)
Double Line Digital Display
Size : 400 x 250 x 500 mm
Humidity : less then 85%
Weight : ± 12.5 kg
Temp : 10 - 35°C
Atomic Absorption
Untuk mengetahui kandungan mineral dalam tanah
Range : 190 - 900 nm
Accuracy : ± 0.5 nm
Resolution : < 40%
Dimension : 1000 x 530 x 425 mm
Weight : 130 kg
Elemen yang bisa dicheck : (pilih satu saja)
Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cr, Cs, Cu, Eu, Fe, Ga,
Hf, Hg, Ho, K, La, Li, Mn, Mo, Nd, Ni, Os, Pb, Pr, Pt,
Rh, Ru, Sb, Se, Si, Sm, Sn, Sr, Tc, Te, Ti, U, V, W,
Zn, Zr
Untuk tiap unsur element berbeda beda harga (± US$ 500 to USD 2000)
Alat Uji Tanah Kering
Alat Uji Tanah Kering
Analisis kadar hara tanah lahan kering,cepat, mudah, murah dan cukup akurat
Mengukur kadar :
Kadar P,K
Kadar C-organik
Kebutuhan kapur
Terdiri dari :
(1) Satu paket bahan kimia dan alat penetapan P, K, bahan organik
Alat Uji Tanah Sawah
"PUTS/uji tanah sawah"
"Komponen bahan dan alat yang disediakan didalam perangkat Uji Tanah Sawah terdiri atas :"
Pereaksi N-1 = 100 ml
Pereaksi N-2 = 100 ml
Pereaksi N-3 = 60 ml
Pereaksi N-4 = 2,5g
Pereaksi P-1 = 250 ml
Pereaksi P-2 = 2,5 gr
Pereaksi K-1 = 100 ml
Pereaksi K-2 = 30 ml
Pereaksi K-3 = 30 ml
Pereaksi pH-1 = 250 ml
Pereaksi pH-2 = 60 ml
Air Murni (Aquadest) : 250 ml
Bagan Warna N tanah
Bagan Warna P tanah
Bagan Warna K tanah
Uji Tanah Rawa
Kegunaan PUTR adalah untuk mengukur status kemasaman tanah dan status hara N, P, K dalam waktu singkat yang dilengkapi dengan rekomendasi kebutuhan kapur, pupuk Urea, SP-36, dan KCl untuk tanaman padi.
(Mengukur Kadar Air Biji-Bijian)
Internal Scale (no pre-weighing)
Over 450 grain, Hold 20 grain
Automatic Temperature compensation
Moisture range: 5 - 45%
Temperature range: 0 - 50ºC
LCD display.
Moisture Meter untuk, jagung, padi beras, kacang, kopi, dll
(Mengukur Kadar Air Biji-Bijian)
Moisture Range : 3 ~ 35%*)
Measuring Error : approx max 0.5%
Measuring Time : below 10 second
Power : 4 Pcs AA Battery
Auto Power Off : Yes
Working Temperature : 0 to 40Deg C
Temperature Adjusting : Automatically
Net Weight : 0.6 kg
Moisture Meter untuk, jagung, padi beras, kacang, kopi, coklat, dll
Grain Moisture Meter
Grain Moisture Meter, lebih 40 macam grain (USA)
(Mengukur Kadar Air Biji-Bijian)
Range (Moisture): 5% to 40% depending on grain tested.
Repeatability: ±0.5% in normal moisture range for stored grain.
Accuracy: ±0.5% in normal range for stored grain.
Display Resolution: 0.1% moisture.
Power: two 9 volt batteries (included).
Clover: Purple Clover: 6%~20%
Corn: High Moisture1 5%~40%
Rapseed (Canola) 7%~15%
Rice: Long 8%~22%
Soybeans 8%~25%
Sunflower 4%~20%
Triticale 7%~23%
Wheat: Durum 8%~20%
4 Grain Moisture Meter
4 Grain Moisture Meter
(Mengukur Kadar Air Biji-Bijian)
Applications : Padi,Beras, Jagung, Gandum
Content: 8~20%
Temp.: -10~55°C
LCD display
RS232 interface (optional)
Size: 178 x 68 x 39 mm
36 Grain Moisture Meter
36 Grain Moisture Meter
(Mengukur Kadar Air Biji-Bijian)
Specification :
Range: Content 6-30%
Optional: RS-232C interface
LCD display
Size: 165x62x26mm
Padi, Jagung, Kopi, Sorgum, Cengkeh, Kacang, Gandum, Kacang kedelai, dll.
40 Grain Moisture Meter
40 Grain Moisture Meter
Aplikasi untuk : Beras, Kopi, Coklat, gandum, kacang, jagung, sorgum, bunga matahari dll.
Spesification :
Range : 5 to 40% depend on grain
Temp Range 5-104 DegF
Battery 9 Volt
Analyzer Bibibijian (Grain)
Analisa Biji Bijian - Grain
Can be connected to a PC by LAN/Wi-Fi
Analysis of whole seeds without grinding
Measuring gluten, protein, moisture content, and Zeleny index in wheat
Touch-screen display
Not require warming up time
Measurement time very past in one minute
Accurate in temperature range 10 to 40 Deg C
Built-in thermal printer;
USB 2.0 port for save and backup data
can be connected directly to PC
Bacic Price for Basic Claibration Measuring :
Wheat : Gluten, Protein, Moisture, Zeleny-index, W (under dev.)
Optional Calibration :
Corn : Protein, Moisture, Starch
Wheat flour : Gluten, Moisture, Ash, Protein
Soy bean : Protein, Oil, Moisture
Rice : Protein, Moisture
Alat Ukur Kekerasan Biji-Bijian
Alat Ukur Kekerasan Biji Bijian
(Untuk mengukur kekerasan biji-bijian)
Measure hardness of granular good. Such as rice, wheat and so on.
Looks beautiful and test accurately.
Specification :
Range: 0 - 20 kg
Biggest diameter: 18mm
Smallest diameter: 4mm
Precision: ±0.5 kg
Size: 140x100x250 mm
Resolution: 0.1 kg
Grain Moisture Meter
Grain Moisture Meter
(Mengukur Kadar Air Biji-Bijian)
Measuring object: Cereal, Mai Lei, Vegetable seed, soybean, vegetables seed, corn, feed and so on nonmetallic granulated matter.
Test accurate: less than ±0.5
Repeat accurate: less than 0.2
Range: 3 - 35
Temperature: 0 - 40
Power: 6V
off automatic:
KM1S : Untuk vegetable seeds moisture meter
KM1K : Untuk coffee moisture meter
KM1H atau 1 G Grain moisture meter (20 grain)
Moisture Meter bentuk scope
Moisture Meter bentuk scope
Test range: Rough rice: 5-20%
accurate: ≤±0.5
Power Resource 9V
Alat Pengambil Sample Benih
Alat Pengambil Sample Benih
(Untuk mengambil Sample dengan cara Vacuum)
Has the curved shape, the straight shape two kind attracts the head, is advantageous for the work to subdivide.
In abig way has, middle the small three kind of specification sucker, is advantageous for attracts puts the different size the seed.
Power: 26W
Capacity attraction: up to 100g
Alat Inspeksi Bijian Benih
Alat Inspeksi Bijian Benih
Alat ini biasanya diletakkan diatas meja kerja
Enlarge times: 0 - 7 times
Work platform size: 360x330 mm
Foundation size: 940x330 mm
Light platform size: 300x270 mm
The edge is prominent, prevents the seed leak
Alat Penghitung Bijian-Seed
Alat Penghitung Bijian-Seed
Spesifikasi :
Measuring range: 1-99999
Time for test: more than 1000/3 minute
Untuk bijian kecil seperti beras, gandum, biji sayuran, bunga, tembakau dll
Untuk bejian besar seperti jagung, bunga matahari, kacang, dll
Vacuum Seed Counting And Planting
Vacuum Seed Counting And Planting
Environment temp.: =< 40°C
Entire machine size: 300x250x400 mm
Sucker: 5 piece (big 2 piece, small 2 piece, circle 1 piece)
Power: 1200W, 220V/50 Hz
Pembersih Bijian skala lab
Pembersih Bijian skala lab
(untuk membersihkan dan memisahkan Sample Bijian)
Max wind: 3.8 m³/minute
Max. Wind press.: 1300pa
Noise: =< 50 db
Fixed time: 0-10 minute
Power: 180W
Lab. Rice Polishing Machine
Lab. Rice Polishing Machine
(Mesin Giling Padi jadi Beras untuk Lab.)
Peeling & whiten process at one time.
Experimental amount: 180 g
Peeling shell rate: => 99%
Power resource: AC220V ±10% 50Hz
Power require: 550 W
Net weight: 13 kg
Seed Divider Galvanis
Pembagi Sample Manual Seed/Grain Divider
(untuk membagi sample benih/biji-bijian menjadi 2 bagian yang sama)
(Hasil pembagian akurat)
Capacity: 2000 gram
High of the instrument: 76.5 cm
Weight of the instrument: 4.5 kg
Application: corn, bean, seeds, rice, wheat
Seed Divider Kuningan
Pembagi Sample Manual Seed/Grain Divider
(untuk membagi sample benih/biji-bijian menjadi 2 bagian yang sama)
(Hasil pembagian akurat)
Application :
Corn, Bean, Seeds, Rice, Wheat
Capacity : 2000 gr
High : ± 80 Cm
Weight : 4.5kg
Motorized Seed Divider
(untuk membagi sample benih/biji-bijian menjadi 2 bagian yang sama)
(Hasil pembagian akurat)
sIze : 38 x 31 x 51 cm
Weight : 18.6 kg
hopper capacity : 2 kg
Electrik motor : 0,5 HP
Material : Wearing Brass
Body : Stainless Steel
Base : Cast Iron
GERM - 1
Germinator GERM -1
Size : 116 x 50 x 107cm (p,l,t)
Material : Plate tebal 1.5 mm
Baki : 6 Baki dari Aluminum
Pintu : 2 pintu.
Tanpa Listrik
GERM - 2
Germinator GERM -2
Size : 81 x 50 x 69cm (p,l,t)
Rak Atas (p,l,t) : 70 x 42 x 2.5cm (3pcs)
Bahan Rak Atas : Wire Mesh Galvanis 1"
Rak Bawah (p,l,t) : 70 x 42 x 2.5cm (2pcs)
Bahan Rak Bawah : Assental 6mm Stainless Steel
Pan Bawah with frame (p,l,t) : 76x48x3cm
Pintu : 2 pintu.Material : Plate SPHC, 1.5 mm.Tanpa Listrik.
GERM - 3
Germinator GERM-3
Size : 50 x 50 x 69cm (p,l,t)
Rak Atas (p,l,t): 42 x 45 x 2.5cm (3pcs)
Bahan Rak Atas : Wire Mesh Galvanis 1"
Rak Bawah (p,l,t) : 42 x 45 x 2.5cm (2pcs)
Bahan Rak Bawah : Assental 6mm Stainless Steel
Pan Bawah with frame (p,l,t) : 45x48x3cm
Pintu: 1 pintu. Material : Plate SPHC, 1.5 mm.Tanpa Listrik.
Germinator GERM-4
Size : 81 x 50 x 69cm (p,l,t)
Rak Atas (p,l,t) : 70 x 42 x 2.5cm (3pcs)
Bahan Rak Atas : Wire Mesh Galvanis 1"
Rak Bawah (p,l,t) : 70 x 42 x 2.5cm (2pcs)
Bahan Rak Bawah : Assental 6mm Stainless Steel
Pan Bawah with frame (p,l,t) : 76x48x3cm
Pintu: 2 pintu
Material : Plate SPHC, 1.5 mm
Tanpa Listrik.
Meja Kemurnian Lokal Type 1
Meja Kemurnian Lokal Type 1
Enlarge times : 0 - 7 Times
Work platform size : 360 x 330 mm
Foundation size : 940 x 330 mm
Light platform size : 300 x 270 mm
Height : 200 mm
The edge is prominent,
prevents the seed leak
Meja Kemurnian Lokal Type 2
Meja Kemurnian Lokal Type 2
Meja Ukuran PxLxT : 120 x 60 x 76 cm
Alas Meja inspeksi Bahan : Acrilic/Kaca
Lampu : 48 Watt
Listrik : 220 V / 50 HZ
Grinding Mill
Grinding Mill
Hardened Grinding Discs
Disposable Sample Bottles (20)
Allen Keys 4 and 5 mm
Hopper with Cover
200-230 V, 50-60 Hz
Grinding Mill
Grinding Mill
Biggest mill : ≤ 50 gr
Diameter : 100 mm
Rotational speed : 1400r/min
Power Requirement : 180W
Rotational speed : 1400r/min
Power Requirement : 180W
Size : 280x170x280 mm
Power Source : 220V 50Hz
Mesin Giling Padi Jadi Beras Skala Lab
Laboratory Rice Mill
(Mesin Giling Padi jadi Beras untuk Lab.)
Hulling & whiten process at one time
Sampling quantity: 180 g
Husk Rate: => 99%
Broken rate: round shape paddy=< 5%; long shape paddy: =< 10%
Power Supply: AC220V ±10% 50Hz
Capacity: 550 W
Net weight: 13 kg
time setting: Digital number
Once working hours: 10-200 sec
Tornado / Whirly Crush Mill
Sample size can accord to need to replace the different aperture screen
Working impeller diameter: 127 mm
Impeller speed: 10,000 turn/min.
Transmission: nylon-type belts
Feeding speed: 1-2 g/sec.
Weight: ± 16 kg
Test items and sample:
Gulten Value-wheat (Φ0.427)
Viscosity-grain (Φ0.270)
Viscosity-corn (Φ0.437)
Fatty acid-Rice, grain (Φ0.437)
Steamed roll-wheat (Φ0.161)
Maize bread-corn (Φ0.437)
Sedimentation value grain (Φ0.505)
Digital Microscope
Digital Microscope
26 x - 130 x zoom
Tidak termasuk computer
Electric Germinator
Electric Germinator
Ukuran tersedia:
a. 260L, 57x57x170 cm
b. 300L, 57x57x190 cm
c. 430L, 65x65x188 cm
d. 500L, 69x69x200 cm
e. 800L, 126x65x185 cm
f. 1000L, 125x65x189 cm
Timer Bisa dipilih:
a. 2 time scale in 24 hour
b. 1-30 time scale
- Temp range: 0-50°C
- Humidity range: 50-95%
- Automatic micro computer control.
Sunshine grade
0~3000~5000 bisa dipilih
a. The seed germinates
b. The germinates Grows.
Electric Germinator dgn Incubator
Electric Germinator dengan Climate Incubator
Ukuran tersedia:
a. 260L, 57x57x170 cm
b. 300L, 57x57x190 cm
c. 430L, 65x65x188 cm
d. 500L, 69x69x200 cm
e. 800L, 126x65x185 cm
f. 1000L, 125x65x189 cm
Timer Bisa dipilih:
a. 2 time scale in 24 hour
b. 1-30 time scale
- Temp range: 0-50°C
- Temp. Wave:0-5°C
- Automatic micro computer control.
Sunshine grade
0~3000~5000 bisa dipilih
a. The seed germinates
b. The germinates Grows.
Lemari Penyimpanan Benih
Automatic control temp, humidity and time;
LED shows the Temp. and humidity.
Control system can remove frost, time
delay, over temp. alarm, dry it self.
Temp. Range : 1 s/d 10°C
Humidity : 40% - 60%
Power : 220V 50HZ
Power : 220V 50HZ
Ukuran Tersedia :
KM-450FC Volume 450L
KM-1000FC Volume 1000L
KM-1600FC Volume 1600L
Aging Cabinet Benih
Power : AC 220V 50Hz
Temperature : +5-65 Degrees Celsius
Temp. Resolution : 0.1 Degrees Celsius
Inner size(mm) : 400×400×500
outside size(mm) : 550×550×800
Loading bays : 2 pcs
Timing range : 1-9999 minutes
Munsell Horticultra (Bunga dan Buah)
Standard Warna untuk Horticultura : Bunga dan Buah
Terdiri dari 4 buku (Fans)
Fans 1, Yellow, Yellow Orange, Orange, Orange Red, Group
Fans 2, Red Purpel, Purpel, Purpel Violet, Violet, Violet Blue, Blue, Group
Fans 3, Blue-Green, Green, Yellow-Green, Group
Fans 4, Greyed colours of yellow, Orange, Red, purple, green, brown, grey, black, white, group
Alat Ukur Luas Daun, Leaf Area Meter
Alat Ukur Luas Daun, Leaf Area Meter
Range: leaf area, average area, length of leaf, thickness of leaf, perimeter and ratio of length to width. Test unit: mm, square mm.
Precision: + 2%
Length: 1000 mm
Width: 160 mm
Thickness:=< 8 mm
Stored datum: 200 Groups
Battery: 6V
Option: RS-232
Leaf Area Meter
Leaf Area Meter
Measuring range : leaf area, average area, length of leaf, width of leaf.
Test unit / Precision : mm, mm2 / +2%
Length/Width : =1000mm / =160mm
Thickness/Stored datum : =8mm /200Groups
Alat Ukur Luas Lahan, Area Meter
Alat Ukur Luas Lahan, Area Meter
Application: can test farmland, green land, forest, water area, tidelands and so on regular and irregular area.
Range: 500-9,999,999 m²
Range 0-999,999.9 m
Test unit: meter, square meter & Chinese acre
Stored datum: 200 Groups
RS-232 link with computer by software
Battery: 6V
Plant Growt Radiation Meter
Plant Growth Radiation Meter, Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF)
Alat ini dioperasikan diantara 400 sampai 700 nanometers, dimana pamjang gelombang yang sangat penting dalam photosynthesis dan pertumbuhan tanaman
The meters measure instantaneous Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF) in µmol m-2 s-1.
A blue lens filters spectra for improved response.
Each meter stores up to 99 manually stored data points and automatically stores 99 consecutive 30-minute averages.
Other features include a cosine-corrected head and sun and electric calibration.
Measurement Range: 0 to 2,999 µmol m.
Operating Environment: 0°C to 50°C; less than 90% non-condensing relative humidity up to 30°C, less than 70% relative humidity from 30°C to 50°C.
Power: standard 3 Volt coin cell battery.
Alat Mengukur Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll Meter
Alat Mengukur Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll Meter
- Range: -9.9 - 199 SPAD
Alat Mengukur Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll Meter
Alat Mengukur Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll Meter
Area measurement : Dia10mm
Display mode : Measurements: 3-digit LCD,Measurement frequency: 2-digit LCD
Precision/ Repeat : =±5.0 SPAD
Time for testing/ Testing area : < 2s/Diameter : =3mm
Stored datum:30 Groups
Size: 155mm x 70mm x 42mm
Alat Ukur Photosistesis Tanaman
Aplikasi Alat Ukur Potosintesis ini untuk :
Mendeteksi Stress potosintesis
Screening cahaya
Irigasi Tanaman
Kemanjuran Herbisida
Kerusakan tanaman oleh herbisida
Kualitas tanaman, bunga, buah
Alat termasuk RS232, dan Charger
Alat Potosyntesis ini dapat mengukur :
Fluoressen pada cahaya ambien (F)
Maksimum Fluoreseen (Fm)
Yield dari Potosintesis (Y)
Alat Mengukur Indeks Konsentrasi Chloropyll (CCI)
Alat Mengukur Indeks Konsentrasi Chloropyll (CCI)
Measurement area: 3/8" diameter circle.
Resolution: ±0.1 CCI unit. Accuracy: ±1 CCI unit.
Storage capacity: 160,000 straight measurements; 94,000 measurements with GPS data.
Operating temperature range: 0 to 50°C. Power: 9V alkaline battery.
Auto off interval: 4 minutes (with no key press or download).
Dimensions: 6"L x 3.25"W x 1"D.
Alat Mengukur Gas CH4/CO2/H2O
Alat Mengukur Gas CH4/CO2/H2O
Open Path CH4 Analyzer
Flow Module
Enclosed CO2/H2O Analyzer
Analyzer Interface Unit
Portable Photosynthesis and Fluorescence System, Education
Portable Photosynthesis and Fluorescence System, Education
CO2 Injector System
RED/BLU LED Light Source
Quantum Sensor 8 in Cable
Fluorescence Attachment
Accessories Items Incl w/Instrument
CO2 Cylinders, 25, AC Power Supply
Expanded Temp Control Kit,Insect Respiration Chmbr Kit
Soil Respiration Chamber
Alat Portable Mengukur Luas Daun, Non destructive
Alat Portable Mengukur Luas Daun, Non destructive
Resolution: 1mm2 (1mm x 1mm scanning area)
Accuracy: Within ±2% for samples >50cm2.
Display Capacity:
Area: 9,999,999.99cm2, Length: 99,999,999.9cm, Width: 12.8cm.
Display: 2line x 16character LCD.
Alat Analisa Canopy Tanaman
Alat Analisa Canopy Tanaman
Semakin lebat tanaman / pohon daya hambatan / canopy ke tanah semakin besar dan penyerapan sinar matahari ke daun semakin besar
Plant Canopy Sensor
Plant Canopy Console
Radiation Rejection:
> 99% from 490-650 nm;
> 99.9% above 650 nm.
Wavelength Range: 320-490 nm.
Nominal Angular Coverage:
Ring 1: 0.0-12.3°
Ring 2: 16.7-28.6°
Ring 3: 32.4-43.4°
Ring 4: 47.3-58.1°
Ring 5: 62.3-74.1°