Alat Peraga Pengambil Plankton
Fungsi Untuk Mengambil Plankton di laut atau sungai
Merk Horja, Type : Plankton net 01
diameter bukaan : 15 cm
tinggi : 35 cm
diameter collect bottle : 1 inchi
tali : sling baja
Nylon : 60 micron
Alat Peraga Serok Induk
Fungsi : Untuk Menyerok Induk Ikan
Panjang : 64 cm
Lebar : 43 cm
Panjang Gagang : 20 cm
Kedalaman : 40 cm
Ukuran mata jaring 2 cm
Alat Peraga Serok Benih
Fungsi : Untuk Menyerok Benih Ikan
Panjang : 29 cm
Lebar : 28 cm
Panjang gagang : 43 cm
Kedalaman : 32 cm
Ukuran mata jaring 2 cm
Alat Peraga Teropong Laut
Fungsi : Untuk Melihat Laut di kejauhan
Pembesaran : 7 x
Diameter lensa Objectif : 50 mm
Pupil : 7.1 Prisma
Sistem: Porro
Fokus Sistem : Individual
Berat : 1 Kg
Alat Peraga Tagging Ikan
Fungsi : untuk Menandai ikan
Alat Tagging
Jarung Tagging
Tag material (orange) 100 pcs
Alat Ukur Panjang Ikan
Bahan : HDPE
Skala: 1 mm
Panjang 60 cm
Alat Peraga Alat Hitung Jumlah Ikan Digital (Digital Counter)
Fungsi : Alat Untuk menghitung jumlah ikan
Dimensi : 12.1 x 3.4 x 2.5 cm
Jumlah Hitung : 0-9999
Alat Peraga DO Water Test Kit
Fungsi : Alat Untuk mengukur kadar oksigen di air
Jarak: 1 to 12 ppm. Increments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 ppm. Analysis time: 2 min.
30 Kali Test
Merk : CHEMets®
Type : Dissolved Oxygen Water Test Kit
Alat Peraga Phosphate Water Test Kit
Fungsi : Alat Untuk mengukur jumlah kadar phosphate di air
Jarak : 0 to 1 ppm & 1 to 10 ppm. Increments: 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 ppm and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 ppm. Analysis time: 5 min.
30 Kali Test
Merk : CHEMets®
Type : Phosphate Water Test Kit
Underwater Camera
16MP 1/2.3" CMOS Sensor
NIKKOR 24-120mm f/2.8 Lens (35mm Equiv)
5x Optical Zoom, 3" 921k-dot OLED Screen
Full HD 1080p Video with Stereo Sound
Waterproof down to 30 m/100 ft,
Sshockproof to a drop of 2.1 m/7 ft
Freezeproof down to -10°C/14°F
Bubu Rajungan
Diameter Bubu : 480 mm x Tinggi Bubu : 180 mm
Diameter bagian bawah : 4 mm ; Diameter bagian ats : 3 mm
Jaring 1 1/4 inchi Dilapisi Plastik
Bahan Tali Utama : PE Diameter 8 mm
Bubu Ikan
Bahan bubu : 150 cm x 100 cm x 53 cm FE Diameter 10 Jaring
PE 380 s/12 #3 : 2,5 m tali PE Diameter 6 mm
Tali Utama : PE Diameter 8 mm, 11370 m
Alat Peraga Conductivity, pH, and temperature.
Fungsi Untuk Mengetahui kadar ph, temperatur dan konduktivity di air
Range: pH, 0.0 to 14.0; Conductivity, 0 to 1999 µS, 2.00 to 20.00 mS; Temperature, 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C). Resolution: pH, 0.1; Conductivity, 1 µS, 0.01 mS; Temperature, 0.1°F (0.1°C). Accuracy: pH, ±0.1; Conductivity, ±1% full scale; Temperature: ±0.9°F (±0.5°C). Calibration: pH, Up to 5 points (auto-recognition); Conductivity, 2 auto, 2 manual; Temperature compensation, Automatic and manual. Conductivity temperature coefficient, 0.0 to 100%/°C. Junction: Single. Display: LCD. Power: 4 x 1.5 V A76 button cell (included). Battery life: >150 hours. Low battery indicator: Yes. Operating temperature: 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C). Dimensions: 6-1/2” L x 1-1/2” dia.
Merk : Oakton®
Type : PCTestr™ 35 Oakton® Waterproof Multi-Parameter Testr™
Alat Peraga Pengambil Paket samper air
Fungsi: Perangkat Untuk Mengambil sample air
Ideal for water sampling at any depth, zooplankton collections, and secchi disc transparency measurements. Kit includes: clear polycarbonate 1.0 liter water sampler, 200g messenger, 20 cm limnological secchi disc; armored thermometer (liquid spirit filled, -5°C to +40°C in 0.5° increments); student plankton net (20 cm diameter x 60 cm length x 153 µm); three 20.0m nylon cords, line reels, plastic carrying case, and instructions.
Merk : WaterMark®
Type : Water Sampler Field Kit
Alat Peraga Untuk Melihat Jejak Ikan
Fungsi : Untuk Mengetahui Jejak Ikan
Cable Length: 30’. Power: 4 AAA batteries (not included). Sonar Frequency: 200 KHZ. Beam Angle: 25°. Dimensions: 2.8” x 4.3”.
Merk : HawkEye® Portable Fish Finder
Type : Portable Fish Finder
Alat Peraga Ukuran Panjang Ikan
Fungsi : Untuk Mengukur Panjang Ikan
Scale No. 1: 0 to 30 inches (1/8” per division). Scale No. 2: 0 to 30 inches (0.1” per division). Scale No. 3: 0 to 75 cm (1 mm per division).
Merk : Wildco
Type : Fish Measuring Board
Alat Peraga Sensor Cahaya
Fungsi : Untuk Mengetahui Sensor / Intensitas cahaya
Display: 128 x 64 graphics display. Power Supply Options: 4 AA batteries, USB, AC/DC power adapter. Operating Temperature Range: -20°C to 50°C. Dimensions: 8.2” x 3.9” x 1.4”. Weight: 1.0 lb. with batteries.
Merk : Licor
Type : LI-COR LI-1500 Light Sensor Logger
Alat Peraga Mendeteksi Polusi Air
Fungsi: Untuk Mendeteksi Polusi di air
dissolved oxygen only (range, 0 to 10.0 ppm; 50 tests) and colorimetric tests for the following: chlorine (range, 0.2 to 3.0 ppm; 50 tests), pH (range, 3 to 10.5; 100 tests), nitrate-nitrogen (range, 0.2 to 1.0 ppm; 40 tests), phosphate (range, 0.2 to 1.0 ppm; 50 tests), ammonia-nitrogen (range, .25 to 4.0 ppm; 50 tests), and temperature (range, -5°C to 45°C).
Merk : LaMotte®
Type : Water Pollution Detection Kit
Alat Peraga Ekman Dredge
Fungsi :untuk mengambil sedimen permukaan yang ketebalannya tergantung dari tinggi dan dalamnya grab masuk kedalam lapisan sedimen.
6” x 6” x 6” Dredge for sampling benthic communities inhabiting soft bottomed aquatic environments. Hinged upper doors swing open as dredge is lowered, allowing water to pass through and minimize shock wave. Stainless steel messenger closes dredge, preventing washout of sample. Cable release system, with bar grip, helps set dredge with greater safety. Dredge is constructed of stainless steel with special Heliarc welding for added strength and durability. A case, 100 feet of line, and messenger are included. Also available is a 5’ aluminum handle with trip head that can be used in place of the line for shallow water work. Easily installed on Ekman dredge.
Merk : AMS
Type : Ekman Dredge
Alat Peraga Mendeteksi Polusi Air
Fungsi : yaitu warna hitam yang digunakan kalau perairannya bening dan warna putih digunakan kalau perairannya keruh.
20 cm diameter secchi disc is made of Sintra® PVC
Merk : WaterMark®
Type : Limnological Weighted Secchi Disc
Alat Peraga Turbidity Meter
Fungsi : Untuk Mengetahui Tingkat Kekeruhan Air
Range: 0 to 50 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) and 0 to 1,000 NTU. Accuracy: ±5% of reading. Resolution: 12 bit. Response Time: 2 seconds. Light Source: pulse LED. Process Temperature: 0°C to 70°C. Pressure: 0 to 50 psi. Power: 9V DC Battery. Dimensions: Body, 1.5” Dia. x 8.5”L; Sensor Shield, 1.7” x 2”; Overall Length, 9”.
Merk : Global Water
Type : Portable Turbidity Meter
Alat Peraga DO Meter
Fungsi : Untuk Mengetahui Kadar Jumlah Oksigen di air
Range: Dissolved Oxygen, 0 to 20.0 mg/L; Oxygen % in Air, 0 to 100%; Temperature, 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C). Resolution: Dissolved Oxygen, 0.1 mg/L; Oxygen % in Air, 0.1%; Temperature, 0.1°F (0.1°C). Accuracy: Dissolved Oxygen, ±0.4% mg/L; Oxygen % in Air, ±0.7%; Temperature, ±1.5°F (±0.8°C). Dimensions: 7-3/4” x 1-1/2” x 1-1/2”. Weight: 4.1 oz.
Merk : Sper Scientific
Type : Dissolved Oxygen Pen
Alat Peraga Cek Kualitas Air
Fungsi : untuk Mengecek kualitas air
The kit includes 25 tests for these parameters: total alkalinity, ammonia, chloride (salt), free chlorine, total chlorine, copper, total hardness, nitrate, nitrite, pH in fresh water, pH in salt water, and phosphate. Each test has a 0.01 ppm (mg/L) precision. The meter features an automatic test timer, 220 test memory (saves last 20 tests per menu), auto calibration, long-life LED’s, a built-in cell, and an IP67 waterproof-rated housing.
Merk : eXact Eco-Check Water Test Kit
Type : Check Water Test Kit
Alat Peraga Pengambil Ikan
Fungsi : Alat Peraga untuk Mengambil Ikan
Heavy cotton/polyester bag with non-rotting thread is secured to 12”
wide D-rim by hog rings and has nylon mesh bottom 8” below rim.
Extended 4” skirt protects mesh from snags and wear.
Mesh Size: Approximately 500 Microns. 5’ Hardwood handle.
Alat Peraga Rake Apung
Fungsi : Digunakan Untuk Membersihkan Sampah, daun yang mengapung di air
Lebar Rake : 91 cm
Panjang Tali : 15 M
Panjang Handle : 3.4 M
Alat Peraga Rake Manual
Fungsi : Digunakan Untuk Membersihkan Sampah, daun yang mengapung di air
Lebar Rake : 40 cm
Panjang Handle : 152 cm
Jumlah Gerigi : 15 buah
Alat Peraga Refractrometer Salinity
Fungsi: Untuk Mengetahui kadar garam dalam air laut atau air payau
Range: 0 to 100 ppt; 1.000 to 1.070 specific gravity. Resolution: 1 ppt; 0.001 specific gravity. Accuracy: ±1 ppt; ±0.001 specific gravity. Temperature compensation: 10°C to 30°C. Dimensions: 7-3/4”L x 1-1/2” dia.
Merk : Vee Gee
Type : Model STX-3
Alat Peraga Water Sample Kit
Fungsi :untuk perlengkapan untuk mengetahui kualitas sample air
For obtaining samples of water and plankton organisms, determining water transparency index, and measuring water depth to 20m. Includes one 1-liter horizontal style clear acrylic water bottle, thermometer (-40°C to +120°C in 1° graduations), 153µ mesh plankton net, standard secchi disc with black and white quadrants, and one 20m nylon line (can be marked with indelible ink). Sturdy plastic carrying case included.
Merk : Wildco®
Type : Water Sampling Field Kit
Alat Peraga Depth Sounder
Fungsi : Untuk mengetahui kedalaman air
Power: 4 AA batteries. Dimensions: 7”H x 2”W x 2”D. Display Size: 0.93”W x 0.63”H. Sonar Frequency: 200 KHZ. Sonar Angle: 25°. Waterproof Limit: 200’. Operating Temperature: 14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C). Backed by a 2-Year Warranty from the manufacturer.
Merk : HawkEye®
Type : Handheld Digital Depth Sounder
Alat Peraga Pemberi Pakan Ikan Otomatis
Fungsi : Untuk Memberikan Pakan dengan siistem otomatis
Kapasitas : 60-75 Kg
ada timer, panel dosis, panel start, panel ukuran pakan
Merk : Horja
Type : Horja_PPIO 01
Alat Peraga Seed Fish Counter
Fungsi : Untuk menghitung benih ikan
Ada 8 Lubang Penghitungan
Lcd Display
ada model reset
power supply : ac 220 v
daya : 50-60 watt
berat alat : 4 kg
terdapat roda 4 unit
Merk : Horja
Type : SFC 01
Alat Peraga sample sedimen
Fungsi: Untuk Mengambil sedimen di kedalaman
Small, lightweight, cast aluminum sampler is designed to obtain sediment samples in shallow water with a wading rod. An exhaust tube is cast into the body of depth integrating-type sampler and allows air in one-pint sampler bottle to escape down stream as it is displaced by the accumulating sample. Includes two 1/4” sampler nozzles, one 1’ wading rod with handle, a case of 24 one-pint sample bottles with caps, and adhesive labels. Dimensions (with nozzle and rod): 12” x 23”.
Merk : Horja
Type : SS Sedimen 01
Alat Peraga Cek manual kadar garam air
Fungsi :untuk mengetahui kadar garam dalam air
Range: 0 to 100 ppt; 1.000 to 1.070 specific gravity. Resolution: 1 ppt; 0.001 specific gravity. Accuracy: ±0.1%. Temperature compensation: 10°C to 30°C. Dimensions: 7.6” x 1.5” x 1.5”.
Merk : Extech®
Type : Salinity Refractometer (Salt)
Alat Peraga Depth Sounder Digital
Fungsi : Untuk mengetahui kedalaman air
Minimum Depth: 1.8’ (0.6m). Maximum Depth: 260’ (79m). Accuracy: ±1%. Frequency: 200 KHz with a 24° beam angle. Backlight: Filament light. Dimensions: 1.7” x 7.8”. Weight with battery: 10 oz.
Waterproof to a depth of 150’ (50m), this sounder features a built-in transducer and measures depths in feet or meters in a range of 1.8’ to 260’ (0.6m to 79m). The transducer sends high frequency pulses to the bottom of a body of water where these pulses are reflected back and converted to electrical pulses that are amplified and displayed on the easy-to-read LCD. The seven-digit LCD is backlit for night use. This compact depth sounder transports easily and stores conveniently – it will even slip into a shirt pocket! Powered by a 9V DC dry cell battery (included), the sounder has a battery life of approximately 500 uses and automatically shuts off after 10 seconds. Wrist lanyard included.
Measure the depth of any body of water with this portable digital depth sounder.
Merk : Hondex
Type : Digital Depth Sounder
Alat Peraga DO Meter
Fungsi : Untuk Mengetahui kadar oksigen di air
Range: 0.00 to 20.00 mg/L (ppm), 0.0 to 200.0%, -5.0°C to 105.0°C. Resolution: 0.01 mg/L (ppm), 0.1%, 0.1°C. Accuracy: ±1.5% full-scale, ±0.5°C. Temperature Compensation: Automatic from 0 to 50°C. Salinity Correction: Range, 0.0 to 50.0 ppt; Resolution, 0.1 ppt; Method, key in manually for meter calculated correction. Barometric Pressure Correction: Range, 500 to 1499 mm Hg; Resolution, 1 mm Hg; Method, key in manually for calculated correction. Operating Temperature: 32°F to 122°F (0 to 50°C). Power: Four 1.5V AAA batteries (included). Battery Life: >700 hours continuous use. Dimensions: 5-1/2”L x 2-3/4”W x 1-1/4”H. Weight: 1 lb.
Merk : Oakton
Type : 6+
Alat Peraga Alat ambil sample air
Fungsi : Untuk Mengambil sample air di laut atau payau
The end of this sampler swings for collecting samples at different angles with a maximum of 90°, making it perfect for sampling streams from steep stream banks. The fiberglass pole extends to 12 feet for flexibility in various situations. A 960 ml bottle is included. A large snapper holds bottles in the 1,000 ml range. The Swing Sampler may be used for liquids, powders, or small solids.
Swing Sampler
Merk : Nasco
Type : Swing Sampler, 12'
Alat Peraga Alat ambil sample air
Fungsi: Dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi persyaratan sampling untuk limbah industri, selokan, sungai, dan sungai.
Sample Size: Composite, 50 ml to 2 liter samples as set by user. Two gallon composite sample maximum. Size: 9”D X 17”W X 22”H. Weight: 20 lbs. Operating Temperature: 0°C to 70°C. Materials: Enclosure, Expanded UV protected by PVC; Bottle, 2 gallon polyethylene; Sample Tubing, Polyethylene. Sample Pump: Flow Rate, 1,000 mL per minute at 4 ft. head; Type, Peristaltic; Maximum Lift, 20’. Logic Timer/Controller: CMOS Solid State (fully potted in epoxy).
Merk : Global Water
Type : Composite/Discrete Water Sampler
Alat Peraga Colorimeter
Fungsi: Untuk mengukur berapa banyak jumlah warna yang diserap oleh objek atau substansi
Range: 0 to 125% T. Resolution: 1% FS. Accuracy: 2% FS. Light source: LED/filter setup at 428nm, 525nm, 568nm, 635nm. Detector: Photodiodes. Display: 160 x 100 backlit LCD, 20 x 6 line graphics display. Sample cell: 25 mm round cell, 10 mm square cuvette, 16 mm COD tubes. Power: USB wall charger or Lithium ion rechargeable battery. Dimensions: 7.5” x 3.5” x 2.5”.
Merk : Lamotte
Type : SMART3 Colorimeter
Alat Peraga ph air
Fungsi :untuk mengetahui kadar keasaman air
pH: Range, -2.00 to 16.00 pH; Resolution, 0.01 pH; Accuracy, ±0.01 pH. mV: Range, ±2,000 mV; Resolution, 0.1 mV ±999.9 mV, 1 mV beyond; Accuracy, ±0.2 mV ±2 LSD or ±0.5% of reading, whichever is greater. Temperature: Range, -17.0°F to 230.0°F (-10.0°C to 110.0°C); Resolution, 0.1°F/C; Accuracy, ±0.9°F (±0.5°C). Power: Two AA batteries (included). Battery Life: 700 hours. Dimensions: 3-1/8”W x 2-1/4”H x 7-7/8”L.
Merk : Oakton®
Type : Waterproof pH 150 Meter with Probe
Alat Peraga DO Meter
Fungsi : Untuk Mengetahui kadar oksigen di air
Range: 0.00 to 45.00 ppm, 0.0 to 300.0%, 0.0 to 50.0°C. Resolution: 0.01 ppm, 0.1%, 0.1°C. Accuracy: ±1.5% of full scale or ±1 digit, whichever is greater; ±0.2°C excluding probe error. Calibration: Automatic, in air, at 100%. Temperature Compensation: Automatic, 0 to 50°C (32°F to 122°F). Altitude Compensation: 0 to 4,000 m (13,120’), 100 m (328’) resolution. Salinity Compensation: 0 to 80 g/L (1 g/L resolution). Battery: Three AAA batteries (included).
Merk : Hanna Instruments
Type : Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Alat Peraga Plankton net
Fungsi : Untuk Mengambil sample plankton di laut atau di air payau
The high-efficiency reduction collar of this net enables quantitative vertical plankton hauls. Dacron® collar is supported open by double stainless steel rings (20 cm and 30 cm diameter) and is sewn to a 30 cm diameter x 90 cm long x 48 µ, 80 µ, or 153 µ Nitex® nylon plankton net
Merk : WaterMark
Type : Wisconsin-Style Plankton Net, 48 µ Mesh
Alat Peraga Nitrate Nitrogen Water Test Kit
Fungsi : Alat Untuk mengukur jumlah kadar Nitrat Nitrogen di air
Jarak : 0 to 30 ppm. Increments: 0, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 ppm. Analysis time: 11 min.
30 Kali Test
Merk : CHEMets®
Type : Nitrate Nitrogen Water Test Kit
Alat Peraga Alat ambil sample air
Fungsi : Untuk Mengambil sample air di laur atau di air payau
For free-flushing and ”in-series” deployments, this vertical bottle collects water samples at any depth. Messenger-activated release mechanism has integral cable clamps allowing samplers to be easily attached to any point on line.
Merk : WaterMark®
Type : Vertical Polycarbonate Water Bottle with Case
Alat Peraga sampel pasif ikan larva dan makroinvertebrata
Fungsi: Untuk mengambil sampel pasif ikan larva dan makroinvertebrata.
Dirancang untuk pengambilan sampel pasif ikan larva dan makroinvertebrata, kompak, perangkap kasar ini cocok untuk digunakan dalam lingkungan lotic, lentic, dan hatchery. perangkap terdiri dari blok flotasi, array daun semanggi berbentuk tabung polikarbonat jelas, tabung pusat yang rumah sumber cahaya seperti lightstick kimia (tidak termasuk), dan perakitan koleksi. Metode pengambilan sampel ini perangkap ini mengambil keuntungan dari perilaku phototactic banyak organisme air dengan menggunakan cahaya terang untuk memikat organisme di dalam array daun semanggi. Organisme kemudian terbatas terluka. Seperti perangkap diangkat, sampel terkonsentrasi dalam koleksi basin dilepas dilapisi dengan 250 mikron mesh.
Merk : WaterMark
Type : Quadrafoil Larval Fish Light Trap
Alat Peraga Water Analysis Laboratory
Fungsi :untuk menganalisis kualitas air
Direct Reading Titrator Tests Included In Kit - (Factor, Method, Range, # Tests) Alkalinity, Neutralization, 0-200 ppm, 50 at 200 ppm. Carbon Dioxide, Neutralization, 0-50 ppm, 50 at 50 ppm. Chloride/Salinity, Argentometric, 0-200 ppm, 50 at 200 ppm. Dissolved Oxygen, Azide Modification of Winkler Method, 0-10 ppm, 50 at 10 ppm. Hardness (Calcium, Magnesium, and Total), Complexometric, 0-200 ppm, 50 at 200 ppm. Reagents Included In Lab Kit - (Factor, Method, Range, # Tests) Ammonia, Salicylate, 0.05-1.0 ppm, 50. Chlorine, DPD, 0-4.0 ppm, 100. Bromine, DPD, 0-10 ppm, 100. Iodine, DPD, 0-15 ppm, 100. Chromium (Hexavalent), Diphenylcarbazide, 0-1.0 ppm, 100. Copper, Diethyldithiocarbamate, 0-5.0 ppm, 100. Fluoride, SPADNS, 0-2.0 ppm, 50. Iron, Bipyridyl, 0-5.0 ppm, 50. Nitrate, Cadmium Reduction, 0-3.0 ppm, 20. Nitrite, Diazotization/Coupling, 0-0.7 ppm, 20. Phosphate, Ascorbic Acid Reduction, 0-3.0 ppm, 50. Silica, Heteropoly Blue, 0-4.0 ppm, 50. Sulfate, Barium Chloride, 0-100 ppm, 50. Sulfide, Methylene Blue, 0-3.0 ppm, 50. Turbidity, Absorption (No Reagents), 7-400 NTU
Merk : LaMotte®
Type : SMART Water Analysis Laboratory
Alat Peraga Ukur Tingkat Kedalaman air laut atau payau
Fungsi : Untuk mengukur tingkat kedalaman air laut dan payau
Kedalaman 150 m
Merk : Solinest
Type : Water Level Meter 150 m
Alat Peraga Untuk Melihat Jejak Ikan
Fungsi : Untuk Mengetahui Jejak Ikan
Cable Length: 30’. Power: 4 AAA batteries (not included). Sonar Frequency: 200 KHZ. Beam Angle: 25°. Dimensions: 2.8” x 4.3”.
Merk : HawkEye® Portable Fish Finder
Type : Portable Fish Finder
Alat Peraga Ukuran Panjang Ikan
Fungsi : Untuk Mengukur Panjang Ikan
Scale No. 1: 0 to 30 inches (1/8” per division). Scale No. 2: 0 to 30 inches (0.1” per division). Scale No. 3: 0 to 75 cm (1 mm per division).
Merk : Wildco
Type : Fish Measuring Board
Alat Peraga pH/Conductivity/Dissolved Oxygen Meter Kit
Fungsi: Untuk mengetahui pH/Conductivity/Dissolved Oxygen di air
Range: pH - -2.000 to 19.990; mV - ±2000; Ion - 0.001 to 19,900 ppm, molar, or mg/L; Conductivity - 0 to 500 mS; TDS - 0 to 200 ppm; % saturation - 0 to 600%; mg/l (ppm) - 90 mg/L; Temperature - 14 to 230°F (-10 to 110°C). Resolution: pH - 0.1, 0.01, 0.001; mV - 0.1; Ion - 2 or 3 digits; Conductivity - 0.05% full scale; TDS - 0.05% full scale; % saturation - 0.1%; mg/l (ppm) - 0.01 mg/L; Temperature - 0.1°F to 199.9 F; 1.0°F from 200 to 230°F. Accuracy: pH - ±0.002; mV - ±0.2; Ion - 0.5% FS (monovalent); 1% FS (divalent); Conductivity - ±1% full scale; TDS - ±1% full scale; % saturation - ±2%; mg/l (ppm) - ±0.2mg/L; Temperature - ±0.9°F (±0.5°C). Calibration: pH - US, DIN, NIST and Custom buffers; mV - ±150;Ion - Up to 6 points; Conductivity - Manual up to 5 points (1 per range); automatic up to 4 points (84.0 ìS/cm; 1413 ìS/cm; 12.88 mS/cm, 111.8 mS/cm); % saturation - 2 points; mg/l (ppm) - 2 points; Temperature - Offset 0.1°C (0.1°F) increments. Salinity correction: Manual. Barometric pressure correction: Automatic. ATC: Automatic or manual, 0 to 100°C. Power: Four 1.5V batteries (included) or optional universal AC adapter. Memory: 500 data sets with GLP. Real Time Clock: Yes. RS-232: IrDA. Optional AC Power: Yes. Waterproof/Dustproof (IP67): Yes. Dimensions: 7.25”L x 3.25”W x 2.25”H.
Merk : Oakton
Type : PCD650
Alat Peraga Tempat Pencucian alat sample
Fungsi :untuk wadah cuci alat sample
Kapasitas 12 Liter
Merk : WaterMark
Type : Littoral Wash Bucket
Alat Peraga ph air
Fungsi: Untuk mengetahui tingkat keasaman air
Merk Bante, Type : PHscan10S-K
Economical pH tester
pH Range: 0.0~14.0pH (±0.1pH)
2 points push-button calibration, Auto-buffer recognition, Manually
freezes measured values, Auto-power off, Replaceable electrode
module, Waterproof feature
Carrying Case
Alat Peraga EC tester
Fungsi : Untuk mengukur Conductivity di air
High range conductivity tester
Conductivity Range: 0.1~19.99mS/cm (±1% F.S)
Standard platinum sensor, 1 point push-button calibration,
Automatic Temperature Compensation, Manually freezes measured
values, Auto-power off, Replaceable electrode module, Waterproof
Carrying Case
3דG13A” Batteries
Merk Bante, Type : ECscan10H-K
Alat Peraga Ukur Fluoride
Fungsi : Alat Peraga Untuk Ukur Tingkat flouride di air
Fluoride Ion Selective Electrode (Made in US)
Temperature Probe
Carrying Case and “AA” Batteries
Range: 1×10-6 M~ Saturation (±0.5% F.S)
mV Range: -1999.9~1999.9mV (±0.2mV)
Merk Bante, Type : Bante321-F